How to install elastic webbing

How to install elastic webbing

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install elastic webbing for upholstery:

Before you begin, gather all the necessary tools and supplies. You will need elastic webbing suitable for your project, a staple gun with 10-14mm staples (or a tack hammer with 15mm tacks), and a sturdy pair of scissors. 

FAQ: How do I pick the right upholstery webbing?

1. Start by securing one end of the elastic webbing. Fold the end over to prevent fraying, and attach it to one side of the wooden frame using staples or tacks. For maximum strength, place the staples diagonally or stagger the tacks.

2. With your dominant hand, hold onto the frame and use your other hand to pull the elastic webbing tightly across the frame.

3. Once the webbing is taut and secure, carefully release your grip on the frame and grab the staple gun or tack hammer. Use it to fasten the webbing firmly in place with staples or tacks.

4. Trim any excess elastic webbing using the scissors, leaving enough length to fold back and prevent fraying. Secure the trimmed end by adding two additional staples or tacks.

    Following these steps will ensure a proper installation of elastic webbing for your upholstery project.

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